I shared with you all my favourite Comic Book Films in preparation for the release of Man Of Steel, but in sorting through to find what would be that list I came across a lot of the garbage that has been intermingled with the goodness. While I would love to think that Man Of Steel is gonna get a 'best', some of the titles on this list are a humbling reminder that sometimes you just don't get what you want. Again, the only deciding factor for the titles being on this list is my personal preference, and there is no real determining factors outside of that. In many ways, some of these films are better than I claim they are, but my rage cannot be objective. Also like the Top 10 best, some of these might be surprising, but one or two you will see coming.
Please, Zack Snyder, don't let Man Of Steel join these ranks.
Oh, hey, speaking of Superman...
Honourable Mention: Superman Returns (2006)
No, this is probably not the worst film made to feature the boy scout, nor does it really belong on the list, but it's the only one on here because I don't wear nostalgia goggles when I watch it. The Christopher Reeve films were a staple of my childhood and while I don't think they're great movies or have aged well, they are close to my heart like the Tim Burton Batman films (which are also not good). I think the biggest thing that irks me about Superman Returns is that it didn't even come close to the hype. It took 20 years to follow up Superman IV: The Voyage Home or whatever and, for all intents and purposes, it was the exact same film as the first Superman. I get making homages to a predecessor, but this was ridiculous. Another land scheme? Really, Lex? Not to mention the fact that, although Routh made a very acceptable Kal El, we had the most emo Superman that could ever emo. Continuing where Superman II left off was a mistake, maybe the biggest one on a long list that this film makes. Thank God for Kevin 'Verbal' Spacey, without him this would be nearly unwatchable.
10. The Punisher (2004)
This movie breaks my god damn heart. It had so much promise, with a convincing lead man in Tom Jane, a modest budget, and a fantastic 80's action movie story. On paper, it was a slam dunk. And then...I don't even. He has all of these guys responsible for killing his entire fucking family, and he's playing them against each other like its the Game of Fucking Thrones! Anyone who has read the source material should agree, there would be no planting of earrings, no blackmail photos, no prop fire hydrants. He would isolate each major player (something he had the opportunity to do several times) and kill them horribly and publicly. This movie let me down like crazy. Watch Punisher: War Zone, a bad movie in its own way, and you'll have a better idea of what this movie should have been.
9. Batman & Robin (1997)
I know what you might be thinking: "Knight Owl, how is this not higher on the list?" Well, my bias for Batman aside, there are worse films out there. This hot mess is so bad that it's enjoyable. Arnold as Mr. Freeze is so laugh-out-loud terrible that he makes this movie one of the funniest of his career. George 'The Coolest Guy in the Room' Clooney's turn as Batman was disastrous, made worse only by him still referencing that he was Batman once in public. This film committed many crimes, the biggest of which might be the use of Bane as Poison Ivy's Hodor. Basically, this was a two-hour long toy commercial, and it nearly killed the franchise. It took a rare visionary like Christopher Nolan to bring the Bat back. Do not let this happen again.
8. Hulk (2003)
This film accomplished the vexing task of making a two-hour film about a giant rage monster boring as fuck. The Comic Book Film archetype was still being nurtured at this point (with X-Men and Spider Man being the front runners), so there was still some work to be done in figuring out what worked. But holy shit, this movie was about so many things that no one was paying to see. Ang Lee tried to make Hulk more than it was, a cerebral dramatic thriller that just so happened to feature the fucking Hulk as opposed to the Comic Book Movie that so many (me included) were expecting. Sometimes you want an Oscar winning drama, sometimes you want Bruce Banner losing his shit and beating the ever loving fuck out of everything from tanks to Thor to Loki. Gotta pick your battles, I guess. Best performance to Sam Elliott's moustache, though.
7. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Wow, this fucking movie. Could there be any more action movie cliches? My dislike for the X-Men films has been well noted, but this one really takes the taco for so many reasons. I could go on for days about Deadpool, but I won't because there are so many characters in this that were just wrecked. Gambit, Sabretooth, and Deadpool join the long list of characters buried by the X-Men films. Worse than that is the fact that whoever was responsible for this mess googled 'Action Movie Tropes' and threw them all in Wolverine. Jackman is perfect as Logan, don't get me wrong, but there's only so much you can do. At least The Wolverine can't be any worse than this...right?
6. Ghost Rider (2007)
Who thought this was a good idea? Seriously? Nic Cage was at least ten years too old for the role, the film was laced with bad CGI (including Cage's abs!), and the source material wasn't nearly popular enough to pull off a feature film of this scale. If it were me this would have been much darker, more directed to the crowd that made Blade such a huge hit a decade prior. The sequel was much more fun, but in a ridiculous way a la Crank. Next time, would someone find their balls and tell the clearly batshit insane actor that he needs to sit the hell down?
5. Judge Dredd (1995)
If you read my review for Dredd (p.s. no one did), you'd know how I feel about this very 90's flick based on the satirical and ultraviolent 2000 A.D. Not only was this just another Stallone vehicle, it completely missed the fucking point of the comic. This film turned a criticism on the American view on violence in film into the very thing it was criticizing. Dredd (2012) was far superior, but that's not saying much.
4. Spider Man 3 (2007)
Name me a good thing about this movie. I dare you. The only joy I got out of this is the ironic laughter at the Emo-Spider dancing scene and some such ridiculousness. James Franco is THE WORST villain in Comic Book Film history as the GreenRanger Goblin. The shoehorning in of the Gwen Stacy character. The senseless involvement of Sandman in Uncle Ben's murder. The absolutely unforgivable raping of the Venom character/storyline. All this on top of the terrible, horrible acting that had been typical of the Spider Man films under Raimi. This is easily the Batman & Robin of Marvel movies, only worse. Because it's not Batman.
3. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
How do the Fantastic Four movies exist in the same universe as The Incredibles and still be so very awful? Pixar basically made a Fantastic Four movie and it was freaking awesome. The only reason the first F4 film isn't on the list is because Chris Evans is charming as fuck in it. In this travesty of a sequel, he basically phoned it in as if he already knew he was gonna be Captain America. Mind you, everyone phoned this shit in. No one could give a fuck about being in this movie. Not to mention setting the precedent for making it OK to turn a powerful antagonist into a fucking cloud. This is legit one of the worst movies I've ever sat through, and the only reason it's not #1 is because I really can't care about the comic book characters that these films are based on. Reed Richards and company can gooooooooooooo fuck themselves.
2. Catwoman (2004)
A movie so bad, I damn near forgot it even existed. It's nice to know that even an Academy Award winning actress can commit career suicide. Take a look at Halle Berry's filmography post-Catwoman. It's a hot mess. I just can't fathom who thought this was a good idea. The Batman franchise had yet to be saved, so there was no momentum on any DC characters to capitalize on. Berry was already involved in the X-Men films, so she was already on the Comic Book bandwagon. The script was horrible, the acting was worse. It was a tremendous waste of time and money, and the unabashed humiliation of a classic comic book character. Taking the cake for me though was Sharon Stone's villain, who was superhumanly tough BECAUSE OF ALL THE MAKE UP SHE HAS WORN! HOLY SHIT!
And the worst Comic Book Film ever...wait for it...
1. Green Lantern (2011)
4. Spider Man 3 (2007)
Name me a good thing about this movie. I dare you. The only joy I got out of this is the ironic laughter at the Emo-Spider dancing scene and some such ridiculousness. James Franco is THE WORST villain in Comic Book Film history as the Green
3. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
How do the Fantastic Four movies exist in the same universe as The Incredibles and still be so very awful? Pixar basically made a Fantastic Four movie and it was freaking awesome. The only reason the first F4 film isn't on the list is because Chris Evans is charming as fuck in it. In this travesty of a sequel, he basically phoned it in as if he already knew he was gonna be Captain America. Mind you, everyone phoned this shit in. No one could give a fuck about being in this movie. Not to mention setting the precedent for making it OK to turn a powerful antagonist into a fucking cloud. This is legit one of the worst movies I've ever sat through, and the only reason it's not #1 is because I really can't care about the comic book characters that these films are based on. Reed Richards and company can gooooooooooooo fuck themselves.
2. Catwoman (2004)
A movie so bad, I damn near forgot it even existed. It's nice to know that even an Academy Award winning actress can commit career suicide. Take a look at Halle Berry's filmography post-Catwoman. It's a hot mess. I just can't fathom who thought this was a good idea. The Batman franchise had yet to be saved, so there was no momentum on any DC characters to capitalize on. Berry was already involved in the X-Men films, so she was already on the Comic Book bandwagon. The script was horrible, the acting was worse. It was a tremendous waste of time and money, and the unabashed humiliation of a classic comic book character. Taking the cake for me though was Sharon Stone's villain, who was superhumanly tough BECAUSE OF ALL THE MAKE UP SHE HAS WORN! HOLY SHIT!
And the worst Comic Book Film ever...wait for it...
1. Green Lantern (2011)
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