Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Knight Owl's 10 Most Anticipated Movies of the Summer Season

Business is about to pick up.

So yeah, I again have not posted in a while. Not because there hasn't been anything to talk about, I just haven't had anything interesting to say about any of the films that have come out recently. Seen a few things, but nothing worth writing about. Not a good sign for the films released over the past few months, but it's typical for this time of the year. It's the lull between the Oscar season/Christmas Break movies and the Summer Blockbuster Season, happens every year. But those blockbusters are on the way, and with only a few days left in April and the movie season starting off strong in May, I'm getting excited. 

Last summer, I got spoiled. It would have been enough for either The Avengers or The Dark Knight Rises being released to make my summer, and I got both. It was a good year. So good in fact, that I'm hard pressed to believe that this year will be any kind of comparison to it, but I remain optimistic. The summer movies are not the Oscar bait or critically acclaimed type of films so much as the all-entertainment, silly, fun movies that I believe should be the priority of the medium. Movies are meant to be fun, and the summer reminds us of it. If you ask me, the season's right on time too, because the world's gone through some serious shit the past few weeks. 

It's important to have something to look forward to, or at the very least know that there is something to look forward to in the first place. With that in mind, I thought I'd put the word out on some of the films coming out in the next few months that I can't wait to sit down for. The last Top 10 I did turned out pretty well in my opinion, and since I seem to have lost my 'voice', this might get me back in the swing of things. Now, keep in mind that these are not ranked by any means and are listed in order of the date on which they will be released, so you all know what's coming out sooner rather than later. It also saves me on making predictions and decisions on films I haven't seen. I'd hate to post something akin to 'LOL SUPERMAN'S GONNA RULE' and have to come back with 'JK K THX BYE' or some shit. I tried to be as varied as possible in my selections, try to get something in there for everyone, but yeah the list is pretty predictable. My loving mother, who is also a fan of the blog (of course she is, everyone should be) (because I'm awesome), suggests I should broaden my movie tastes. Maybe. After the summer. Probably not.

Anyway, fun starts now.


Obvious choice is obvious, right? I'm actually a bit skeptical on this being as great as it should be for a couple reasons. For one, Iron Man 2 was not as great as it should have been. The success of the first Iron Man was second only to The Dark Knight in regard to comic adaptations and maybe the best Marvel movie pre-Avengers. The follow-up had some slow, if not straight-up weak moments. Not to mention the fact that this will be the first follow-up to The Avengers which, if you haven't read my several lengthy posts about it, was a huge deal and a bigger success. This film will show if Marvel/Disney (Marney? Disvel?) can properly continue on with the momentum. I know that Thor, Captain America, and a whole bunch more have films coming out in the years to come, but this one's the opener. It's the Baltimore Ravens' first game of the season after winning the Superbowl. If The Avengers was the top of the mountain, let's hope Iron Man 3 can at least hover around it.


The first Star Trek was amazing, lens flares notwithstanding. It actually took me back realizing how well this new 'crew' of actors worked with each other to so quickly establish a rapport similar to that of the original, while also being their own thing. J.J. Abrams is quickly becoming a huge name in Sci-Fi, if he wasn't already. The trailers and promotions for Into Darkness look like a good time without actually giving anything away, which I love. And the addition of Benedict 'Sherlock' Cumberbatch, officially the funnest celebrity name to say, as the apparent villain is inspired casting. I feel that this movie needs to be good for Abrams for another reason though, namely his moving on to Star Wars: Episode VII for Disney. While I think it's a GREAT choice of director, confidence may falter in Abrams if this is not well received. Anyway, I can't wait to see everyone back on the Enterprise (Chekov FTW) and I know Mandi is looking forward to seeing a certain pointy-eared, green-blooded hobgoblin Sylar Spock. If Shatner makes an appearance, I'll lose my fucking mind in excitement.


I don't like going to see comedies at the show. I find it can be a waste of time and money to see something that would be just as good, maybe better, at home on a smaller screen. Every year though, there's a small few comedies that grab my attention. Last year, it was 21 Jump Street, and it ended up being one of my favourite comedies ever. The year before, Bridesmaids, and it was also worth the trip. This year, This Is The End is my comedy pick over films like The Hangover Part Whatever I Get It They Have Substance Abuse Problems. For those unfamiliar, This Is The End features many of the funniest people in acting today (and James Franco) playing themselves during the apocalypse. That sounds awesome. I love me some end of the world movies, the trailer was hilarious, and as I said it has pretty much every guy I find funny in it (and James Franco). If Channing Tatum was in it playing a dumbed down version of himself, I'd already have my ticket.


You know it'll be good when a die-hard Batman fan is looking forward to a Superman movie. Kind of like a Yankees fan looking forward to a Red Sox game. But really, we're due for a good Superman film, since we really haven't seen one since 1978. Yeah, I know Superman II was classic, but only mainly due to General 'Kneel Before' Zod. Any scene that he wasn't in seemed flat, and the fact that it had a director change half way through shooting didn't help. Then we had Superman Returns, which wasn't just bad but just depressing, more so because Kevin Spacey was fucking PERFECT as Lex Luthor. Anyway, back to this movie being good. I don't have blind faith in many directors, but Zack Snyder is one of those people I have faith in. I have loved everything he's done, including the widely and unjustifiably hated Sucker Punch. When I heard he was doing this, I was immediately excited and that excitement has only grown. The casting is perfect, if not inspired. Christopher Nolan's participation in producing is a huge plus. I think, I hope, and I want this to be good. Superman deserves another good film. Hell, DC Comics deserves another good film. Don't leave everything up to Batman, Clark. Get your shit together.


Ah, Pixar, you magnificent bastards. I feel as though the yearly Pixar release has taken a step down in quality over the past few years. Toy Story 3 came in 2010 and was awesome while also resulting in some manly tears from yours truly, but that was followed up by Cars 2 which I haven't even seen but can imagine it's not exactly the kind of Pixar fare that appeals to the young and old alike. Last year, we have Brave, which I just didn't connect with. It seemed too much like the typical Disney Princess movie, but had its moments. I'm hoping Monsters U is another step in the right direction. Monsters Inc has never been my favourite Pixar film, but it's enjoyable enough and has moments of that widespread appeal I mentioned while also having some emotional moments a la Toy Story 3. While I'm not entirely sure what to expect from this, I'm sure the Pixar standard won't let me down for a third year in a row. But also, WHERE THE HELL IS MY INCREDIBLES SEQUEL? That is all.


Giant robots. Fighting giant monsters. Directed by Guillermo Del Toro. YUP.


I feel as though there are a lot of movies on this list that are follow ups (in one way or another) to horrible movies. If that's the case, then X-Men Origins: Wolverine takes the cake as the worst movie to be a sequel for. It was a collection of action movie cliches, mixed in with bad acting, rediculous plot holes, and the retardation of some of Marvel's most unique and interesting characters (see: Gambit, Sabretooth, fucking Deadpool). Here, we have Logan in Japan in what I hear is a film following one of the better Wolverine storyarcs from the comics. The biggest reason I have for looking forward to this is Hugh Jackman. Despite the first Wolverine, or really any of the X-movies that he's been a major part of, I think that Jackman is perfect as Logan and I'll watch him in anything. We have an established director in James Mangold, a huge budget backing the film, and a scene where Wolverine fights ninjas...many ninjas. It's not like it can be worse than the first. *knocks on wood


In 2009, we were treated to one of my favourite Sci-Fi films in recent years in District 9. It was gritty, dark, amazing looking, and most of all, original. Director Neill Blomkamp's follow up effort to District 9 is Elysium, another dark Sci-Fi flick, but with more money and star power. Elysium as I understand it, is about a conflict between an upper and lower class of humans, the former residing in a space station named Elysium and the latter remaining on a ruined Earth. The film has returning District 9 alum Sharlto Copley as well as Jodie Foster and Matt freaking Damon as the lead. I really hope Blomkamp isn't a one-hit wonder, and from what I've seen of Elysium, he won't be.


The success of The Dark Knight led to some darker, more violent Comic Book films and even some R-rated fare like Watchmen and Kick-Ass. I have very much enjoyed it and keep hoping for more. I get it here with Kick-Ass 2. I don't even give a fuck what its about, as long as it's as over the top and ultraviolent as its predecessor. We have Kick-Ass, Hitgirl, and Red Mist back from the original, with Jim Carrey joining up as another amateur hero. He might not be as popular as he used to be, but when Carrey is good, he's amazing. I've read the graphic novel already, and it's a decent story on par with the original. Despite losing Matthew Vaughn as director, I think this will live up to the original and by that, I mean kick ass. Pun intended.


Another end of the world movie? Sold. Doesn't hurt that it's from the crew who did Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz. Shaun Of The Dead took the world by storm in 2004 and while not as popular, Hot Fuzz was still an incredibly funny movie. These movies helped garner interest in British comedy and showed that a spoof didn't have to be a stupid-as-shit 2-hour long gag reel and/or directed by the Wayans brothers. The synopsis of The World's End seems to follow the same line of satire towards the apocalyptic films that I so enjoy, with a group of adorably British friends going out for a pub crawl unaware that the world was ending around them. Simon Pegg is a huge star now after the success of Shaun Of The Dead, and I've enjoyed him in everything I've seen. Even better that he's paired up with Nick Frost again under the direction of Edgar Wright, who also made Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, one of the most tragically underrated comic book adaptations ever. If you've seen and liked Shaun Of The Dead (if you haven't, then what the hell is the matter with you?) and/or Hot Fuzz, I imagine you're going to enjoy this.

Well, as I write this we are little more than a week away from this season starting with Iron Man 3. I hope that this, along with this post and the ever enduring support of my readers (likes, comments, whatevers are appreciated) will give me that swift kick in the ass I regularly need to post in a timely fashion. From here on out for the next few months, if you need me, I'll be at the show on all of the fridays.

Knight Owl